Join thousands of parents worldwide and…
Discover how to help your kids finish their homework…without ever raising your voice
School challenges are common for complex kids -- and can be excruciatingly stressful for the whole family. Stop the drama today with an online parenting program designed to help you manage all kinds of school-related headaches for kids who struggle with school!
Does this sound familiar?
It’s that time of the day again. A familiar sense of dread is starting to rise.
There's homework to be done.
The kids are home from school and you’ve finished your work for the day. In an ideal world, you could have a quiet moment to yourself, or spend some quality time with your kids.
But you've long since given up on the fantasy of enjoyable evenings or weekends.

The pressure of homework gets you down. Big time.
Even though you’ve had a long day, your “night-shift” work is just about to begin.
The assignments are different every night, the routine is much the same.
She doesn’t do the work, you yell, coax and even bribe. Nothing works. Tears are shed.
Or perhaps he tells you there is no homework today, or that he did it already. You breathe a sigh of relief ...only to find another ‘0’ grade the following week.
Sound familiar?
Fortunately, we have solutions that really help. And we’ve been guiding parents to overcome these problems for close to a decade.
But before we tell you about them, let us ask you something.
Are you sick of...
- Emailing teachers late at night when the work's not done?
- Bringing forgotten items to school?
- Dreading the chaos that comes home at 3pm?
- Watching a simple 10 minute assignment become 2 hours of suffering?
- Spending hours hovering, checking, handholding?
- Wondering why your smart kid can’t seem to do something basic?
- Helping with homework instead of making dinner?
- Craving sleep - for everyone?!
- Dreading the next "home project" assignment?
If you answer YES to any of these -- it's time to end the hours of stress, and the isolation that comes with it. Too many parents of complex kids are going through this battle alone, with no help.
But YOU don't have to!
Help is always available if you need it. You just have to be willing to ask for it -- and accept it (the hard part for many of us!)
Even though you may be suffering silently on a daily basis, you may feel like you are all alone in this, and that your problems are unique.
They’re not!
To make matters worse, you may get so frustrated that you find it hard to face the problem head on, or you don’t really know what to do.
You end up plodding miserably forward, hoping that things will get better. Maybe if you just wait long enough it will go away, right?
Ignoring a problem can be tempting, but when kids’ challenges with school are avoided, they tend to get worse. The consequences can be debilitating for everyone.
Honestly — we have helped thousands of parents get the guidance they need to turn things around – to turn the daily turmoil of school struggles into smoother sailing — with the right information, support, and a few well-placed strategies (who doesn’t love strategies?!)
In fact, parent training is recommended treatment. Research has proven that it is ideal to help kids with complex issues learn to manage their challenges.
Before we move forward, let us introduce ourselves.
Who are we, and how can we help you?
We are Diane and Elaine, certified parent coaches and the co-founders of ImpactParents. We are also parents of a combined 6 children between our two families -- kids with ADD/ADHD, anxiety and a number of related challenges. We’ve been through years of school struggles with our own kids (and with hundreds of clients, too) -- and are still smiling (most of the time)!
Over the past decade we have become a leading “voice for parents” in the world of parenting complex kids, and are regularly sought out by national resources such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, Attention and ADDitude magazines, and other national press.
In our VERY first year, we were awarded ‘Innovative Program’ status by CHADD, and since then we have enjoyed a number of recognition's including top ADHD blog of the year award multiple years running by Healthline!
We can't even begin to count how many times homework turned into a source of chaos and frustration for our kids over the years. But as we learned to support our kids with the skills we use as coaches, it made school life much easier for them to manage, and home life a lot less stressful for us!
Despite the challenges of having kids with Anxiety, or Dyslexia, or ADHD, or so many other challenges that make school difficult, we have a wealth of experience to assure you that school challenges, in particular, can be made SO much easier with a bit of select know-how.
We're excited to share those tricks with you.
Homework Headaches
Home Study Training & Coaching for Parents!
Homework Headaches is an innovative parent training and coaching program created specifically to take the stress out of trying to educate children who struggle with many aspects of school life.
With guidance from parent coaches, you are educated and supported. You’ll get incredible tools and strategies to change your child's entire experience of education. You’ll be amazed at how your confidence will grow, and awed at how your family life can take a turn for the better with a few simple tools.
So, stop the suffering … and start living and learning. Let us show you how to begin to eliminate your homework headaches by offering you a simple, long term solution to pain free evenings and weekends!
How is this program different?
Educating a complex kid doesn’t have to be a nightmare.
You will learn:
- What is happening in your child’s brain that causes school work struggles
- New strategies to empower focus and productivity
- How to support your kids without doing it for them
- Ways to motivate your kids to their own success
- How to help your child see what they are really capable of
- How to be a supporter, not an enabler (important for inspiring your child towards independence!)
- Ways to foster buy-in and motivation to do well at school
- And to get the work done! Phew!
At the end of the course, you will:
- Notice that your child is happier and less frustrated – and you are, too!
- Be able to watch her confidence grow as she realizes she can do it
- Understand how you can help her grow into a mature, responsible adult
- Experience less guilt as a parent, confident that you are doing all you can to help your child gain independence
- See grades improve and teachers happy to be receiving work on time
- Reconnect with your child and have a great relationship once again.
- Rediscover the joy that comes from parenting and a happy, calm family life
- Not feel like you are fighting a losing battle day in and day out
If you’ll let us, you too can join the thousands of parents we have helped take their families from surviving to thriving.
Enroll now and never look back
Here’s what you’re going to get
Homework Headaches guides you to learn specific tools and strategies for tackling school challenges, and then it provides exercises and questions for you to personalize what you're learning. That way you get solutions that are specific to what YOUR family needs.
Here is a breakdown of the modules that will help you do this:
Module 1
Getting Started
- Identify your child’s strengths so you can begin to help your child focus on the PROCESS of learning.
- Let go of shame and perfectionism, and set an honest framework for your values around education, mindset and definitions of school success.
- Make a distinction between intelligence and school success so that you can better understand your thoughts on learning differences.

Module 2
Taking Aim
- Start using the 5 Step Parenting Action Model by “Taking Aim” on your child’s challenges.
- Determine the challenges you want to see changed, very specifically, so that you’re able to identify effective solutions.
- Gain a better understanding of executive function, the foundation to identifying areas of particular struggle.
Module 3
Education about Your Child
- Determine specifically what is causing frustration for your child so that you can begin to develop strategies to relieve stress and empower success.
- Understand the difference between ‘naughty’ and ‘neurological’ behaviors, the underlying reasons for your child’s actions.

Module 4
Education about School Environment
- Get a picture of what’s really going on at school for your child and how to use this knowledge.
- Understand more about how to motivate your child and get ‘buy-in’ for his or her academic success.
- Identify the skills your child demonstrates outside of school that can be transferred to school life success.
Module 5
Activate the Brain
- Identify when to look for brain-based solutions for managing challenging issues with inattention, disorganization and emotional intensity.
- Determine when and how to use strategies for focusing and engaging the brain to enhance performance.
- Explore the value of engaging brain support to manage and regulate moods in an effort to support academic success.

Module 6
Parenting Positively
- Learn specific methods for staying calm, including the 8 core competencies of positive parenting.
- Understand how to motivate from inspiration, not desperation -- and use positivity as a vehicle for fostering an increasingly more independent student.
- Determine when and how to use strategies for empowerment so that your kids can begin to believe in themselves, despite academic challenges and frustration.
Module 7
Shifting Expectations
- Learn how to set realistic expectations so that you can honestly become your child’s best champion.
- Explore how to foster self-esteem and help your child see possibilities for success, instead of a constant feeling of failure.
- Identify ways to instill a love for life-long learning rather than just getting by.

Module 8
Planning: Systems & Structures
- Learn how to effectively use systems and structures to ease challenging circumstances in a lasting way.
- Identify strategies for managing communication and building partnerships with your child’s school.
- Get more information about executive function challenges, how they show up specifically at school and home, and strategies for management.
Module 9
Taking Care
- Consider the value of taking care of yourself, and how that helps you be a better parent!
- Learn how to model behavior for your children, and the importance of teaching by example.
- Identify specific and easy ways to take care of yourself, even when you think you don’t have the time.

Module 10
- Review the strategies you’ve learned up until now (nearly 150 at this point!)
- Take a quiz to reinforce your learning (don’t worry -- there are no grades and it’s an open-book quiz!)
- Look back on the exercises you have completed and review your answers to the questions at the end of each module.
Module 11
Forwarding the Action
- Begin formulating a plan for next steps in the short and long term.
- Establish specific goals for yourself and your family, and brainstorm possible action steps.
- Start prioritizing and planning for action. Identify specific action steps with time frames!

Module 12
Assessment & Conclusion
- Assess what’s working, and what’s not. Tweak and re-direct your actions appropriately.
- Identify what needs to be changed, or what new directions are indicated.
- Apply your findings to real situations, modify as needed, and repeat.
BONUS MODULE -- Executive Function Basics! Listen to a one-hour expert tele-class on Executive Function* and ADHD. This tele-class gives you a foundational knowledge of Executive Function -- whether your child has ADHD or not -- that will support you in getting even more out of the Homework Headaches course.
*Executive function. You may have heard this term bandied around, but what does it actually mean? In very basic terms it refers to the set of brain-based functions that determine how we act. If people have trouble with executive function, this means they will struggle to manage behaviors like focus, time awareness, remembering details and curbing inappropriate actions. Sound familiar? Understanding executive function is key to helping your kids overcome their challenges.
Remember one thing...
We truly believe that this course can change your life. No question. In fact, it is literally impossible for you to complete the program and not have gotten any benefit. Impossible.
We also want to be clear that this is not a "fix your kid" course. We’re not the answer if you simply want to banish your child's complex issues forevermore. It doesn't work that way. The challenges your kids are facing are very real, and you can help them learn to get a handle on managing them -- when you start by understanding them.
We know that however hard you may find things, there are ways to manage every tricky situation to make it easier, better, and eventually even great. It may be hard to see now, but your child is special and unique -- her brain works slightly differently, and she needs a little help to locate her inner genius.
So, we can’t change your kids. But we CAN show you how to work with them to make their problems seem easier and more manageable for a long and fruitful life ahead.
“ImpactParents’ Homework Headaches program is brilliant. The content is strong and just what parents need to know. There’s a lot of great information, and it’s broken down into small enough chunks that it’s easy to use. The format that the material is delivered is also excellent, especially compared to other programs I’ve tried. From an online user experience, it’s straight-forward, very well done and easy to do in short segments and come back to it later. I don’t think you could make it any more simple. Overall, the program is just brilliant and has been absolutely life-changing for both my family and myself. ImpactParents makes all the difference!"
---Cynthia C. (London, England)
“My whole family thanks you… my daughter gets to focus on being a kid again. She gets to find joy in her accomplishments and areas of expertise. She recognizes that she would rather not deal with ADHD stuff, but that life is better when she deals with her challenges. When the fireworks ignite, she knows that her Mom and Dad are there for her.
ImpactParents' Homework Headaches has worked for us. I started out wanting to "fix my kid," I ended up rediscovering the joy of being my daughter's mom. Life's not perfect; we're still learning, adjusting, and living our relationships. But our family is empowered... not only with skills, compassion, and a resource, but also with hope. Bravo, guys; ImpactParents nailed it with this one... Long live the Homework Headaches, from one of your biggest fans. ”
--Michelle S, NB
Designed for maximum results & efficient use of your time.
We know you’re busy and that your life can feel chaotic. We get it. That’s why we have created structure to fit into the busiest of busy lives -- and designed it to work for all kinds of parents (those with complex issues like your kids, and those who don't)!
This program includes 12 distinct modules (plus a bonus module). The beauty of the course is that each module is only about 15 - 20 minutes long so every uber-busy parent (as we know you are!) can squeeze this in, podcast style! Please don’t take the brevity for a lack of substance - it’s veerrrry content rich.
In fact, it’s a perfect example of what we teach you to do for your kids. It’s hours of training, broken down into manageable chunks so as not to be overwhelming!
When possible, we do recommend that you follow a structure (i.e. one module a day, or two a week etc.) to keep things on track, but really - whatever works for you is just fine.
The home study course is also super simple to use and wonderfully interactive, to help you get the most from it. If you're a visual learner you can watch the video - kind of like a Powerpoint presentation. If you're an auditory learner, you can just listen - like a podcast.
Either way, we encourage you to answer some questions or complete short exercises at the end of each module that will help you incorporate what we cover in the module, focus in on how it relates to your child, and decide appropriate action to tackle your challenges -- one at a time.
Sounds great, but how much is it going to cost me?
What would pain free evenings be worth?
Are you willing to pay $1 every day for peaceful evenings in about two months? That's the cost of Homework Headaches - transformational change in a matter of weeks! Think about it -- the cost of your daily java seems pretty expensive compared to $1 for two months to change your life -- and your child’s future!
We want our training to be accessible to everyone, anywhere, any budget. That’s why we made Homework Headaches an online course: meaning a lower cost for you. Besides, as a busy parent, you can access it wherever you are in the world, at any time of day (or night!).
The price of Homework Headaches is not $397 or $247. Right now, it is available to you for just...
$147 $97
The cost for 12 sessions with a professional in person would likely be at least $1,000. But not this! This training is yours forever, and you'll have membership in the Lifeline Facebook group -- to connect with other parents -- for 3 months. All for less than a hundred dollars.
With Homework Headaches there is no running around, making appointments or sitting in traffic. And you’ll learn skills that will last a lifetime — your child’s lifetime!
It is quite simply the lowest you’ll ever pay for such in-depth information of this quality.
This is our goal, and our mission. And we hope you’ll join us.
Our Parent-to-Parent Guarantee

You know the Gandhi quote “be the change you want to see in the world?” Well, that’s what we’re doing here. We are making a difference for families all over the globe.
The change we want to see in the world is more happy families, more confident parents, and more motivated kids. That is why we want you to be able to try our program without the fear that it will be a waste of your hard-earned cash.
In fact, we are so confident that Homework Headaches will be a life changing experience for you that we offer a no risk 30 day guarantee. If you complete the program, and feel in any way that it didn’t add any value to your life, then let us know within 30 days and we will refund every cent of your money.
“Parents now have an excellent resource and roadmap for dealing with the homework struggles of their ADHD child at every level of education. Homework Headaches is so well-organized and provides practical applications and advice to parents. Homework Headaches reinforces the work that I do with families in terms of fostering independence and self-confidence in my students before they leave for college.”
–Judith S. Bass, CEP, Bass Educational Services, LLC
“I want to thank you very much for creating this program for us. Being that you each have lived this from a parent perspective, and that you have become coaches for parents and are teaching parents how to support and coach our children, it is greatly refreshing. I am truly grateful.”
–Shawna C (CO)
“We haven't tackled all the homework headaches, but thanks to Elaine and Diane at ImpactParents we have fewer headaches! Tools I've learned, such as "body-doubling", have helped me shift my focus and create hope and progress on the journey!”
–Kristi Baggett (2014)
Enroll now and get ready for big changes!

In this special 12 module training, you will:
- Hours of expert training (worth over $1000!)
- Participation in a private members online group where you will meet like minded parents, discuss ideas and get your questions answered.
- Over 200 simple (but oh-my-gosh effective) strategies, tips and exercises that you can start using today.
- Dozens of expert articles dealing with just about everything you as a parent need to know to manage school-related challenges.
- Cheat-sheets and handouts to refer to quickly when you need to think on your feet
- Learn in the comfort of your own home, and re-listen to the sessions as often as you wish!
Our Parent-to-Parent Promise
People with complex issues tend to be wonderfully creative and innovative. They learn to be resourceful in the process of overcoming their challenges. In fact, according to Psychology Today, people with ADHD are 300% more likely to start their own business. And the success rate of kids with remediated Dyslexia is quite stunning!
Let's be honest. Very few kids actually want to do homework. It’s boring and most would rather be running around outside, playing video games or hanging out with their friends. So, if you flip the homework situation over, the ones who do it with no arguments are the ones who are merely obedient and good at following instructions. Great in an academic environment -- but not so interesting in life.
Your kids complex issues, on the other hand, help them learn to overcome challenges in life, which can prepare them for extraordinary futures.
By learning how to "do school" -- with your help, now -- your kids will learn to tackle life's challenges.
As for you? You’ll be happy and free knowing that you raised your kids to be the best they can be.
With a bit of training - your struggles can be transformed to the foundation of an incredible life. What are you waiting for?!
From parent to parent with love,
Elaine & Diane
Enroll now and get ready for big changes!

In this special 12 module training, you will:
- Hours of expert training (worth over $1000!)
- Participation in a private members online group where you will meet like minded parents, discuss ideas and get your questions answered.
- Over 200 simple (but oh-my-gosh effective) strategies, tips and exercises that you can start using today.
- Dozens of expert articles dealing with just about everything you as a parent need to know to manage school-related challenges.
- Cheat-sheets and handouts to refer to quickly when you need to think on your feet
- Learn in the comfort of your own home, and re-listen to the sessions as often as you wish!
Here are some common questions you might have:
Q. What exactly do I get when I join the program?
A: As a Homework Headaches parent, you will:
- Have access to the 12 module program - plus bonus. These modules are designed to fit into the busiest lives, so don’t worry - each video is only 15-20 minutes long, and jam packed full of incredible takeaways that you will use for years to come.
- Get access to us as your coaches. Got a problem or question? Tag us in the Lifeline group and let us know!
- Learn valuable tools and techniques for tackling homework with confidence. These tools are also super relevant and useful in other areas of life with a complex kid.
- Have access to ImpactParents' private online members community, which is the ideal place to meet fellow parents and discuss your experiences — confidentially.
- Learn in the comfort of your own home, and re-listen to the sessions as often as you wish!
Q. How much does it cost?
A: The cost of taking the Homework Headaches course is $147 $97. The online nature of the course means we have been able to make this extremely affordable, with the hope that we can reach as many families as possible.
Homework Headaches is a modest investment for the same quality training you’d receive at a conference or in a therapist’s office. Given that you can learn from home, you don’t have to worry about childcare costs (or the stress of leaving your complex child at home!), travel costs or traffic woes, this is a much more efficient and effective investment of your time and money!
Q. How long is each module?
A: The videos/audios in each module are roughly 15 - 20 minutes each. Each module has additional reading, exercises and coaching questions. The modules take an average 30-60 minutes to complete, depending on your level of thoroughness.
Q. What do I need to prepare beforehand?
A: We suggest that you have a pen and paper beside you while you listen to the modules, should you want to take notes. Designating a “coaching journal” for use in the training is ideal.
Q. Anything else?
A: There will be questions and exercises at the end of each module. We encourage you to plan additional time to process the learning from each module, review the supplemental materials, and integrate the learning.
Q. Who are Elaine and Diane?
A: Elaine Taylor-Klaus and Diane Dempster are certified professional coaches and the co-founders of They are also mothers who have 6 kids between their two families with ADHD and a number of other related issues including Anxiety, Depression, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and other learning disabilities.
Unfortunately, when their kids were younger, the kind of support that would have helped them was not available. That inspired them to establish ImpactParents, as they recognized a huge need for support for parents that makes a real difference for kids. They hope that no parent ever has to go through this alone – not when they know they can do something to help!
For full bio’s for each please visit:
Q. My child does not have ADHD. Will Homework Headaches still help?
A: Sure! We welcome parents of what we like to call “complex” kids – children with ADHD, LD and related challenges. There are even some additional exercises for kids who specifically struggle with LD. Since 70% of kids with ADHD have a number of different co-existing issues, these strategies are relevant for all of them. So whether ADHD is suspected, diagnosed, or not even likely, if you have a “complex” kid, you probably know what we mean – and this is definitely for you.
Q. If I don’t find this useful, is there a guarantee?
A: Yes, we offer a no risk guarantee. If, after the program, you don’t feel like you have gotten value from it, let us know within 30 days at and your money will be cheerfully refunded. Every penny.
Designed for busy parents.
This course is split into bite-sized chunks to let you do little bit at a time, even in your PJs if you want. You have unlimited access 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. If you have 30 minutes a week for 3 months, we can help you change your family dynamic for a lifetime!
Costs less than a daily coffee over a few weeks!
Let’s deal with the Elephant in the room. We’ve gone to great lengths to design a program that actually WORKS in the REAL world, and we’ve kept it at a price that is less than a hundred dollars. It’s meant to be so affordable that you can’t say no to getting the help you need. It’s just $1 a day for about two months!
Complete peace of mind
You know what you’ve got to lose if you’re not successful. That’s what keeps you up at night, and spawns panic attacks every time you prepare for the 3pm homework struggle. But do you know what you have to gain? We are so confident that the Homework Headaches Program will help you make educating your child more productive and calm – quickly – that we offer a complete money back guarantee.